Neeps and Tatties


Neeps and Tatties book by carey morning

A sweet and touching book written in rhyming Scots by Carey Morning about the poor Neeps and Tatties stuck in a miserable, age-old animosity. Tings only get worse and worse - until the wise old Haggis comes to town, singing his songs of healing. It is a tale of how our courage and innocence can lead us beyond enmity and into the delights of togetherness. Illustrated by Anna York, the little vegetables become alive and dancing with their overwhelming emotions.

The book was brought to life thanks to the vision and good will of Dave Scott and Nil by Mouth, a charity established to challenge sectarian attitudes and encourage tolerance and change, and with the support of the WM Mann Foundation and the WA Cargill Trust.

It is available free-of-charge as a resource for schools and organisations wanting to inspire change in young minds and hearts.
